The ski area Mondolè - Artesina/Frabosa Soprana/Prato Nevoso is located in the province of Cuneo (Italia, Piemonte). For skiing and snowboarding there are 105,3 km tracks. 24 plants carry skiers.The winter sports area is at an altitude between 807 e i 2.085 m...... Read more
The caudal caves were discovered in december 1898 during the construction of the reservoir for the aqueduct of Frabosa Sottana. It was intended to use the source that just came out of the cliff to get lost in the torrent Maudagna after a few tens of meters. Read more
The Bossea cave constitutes the terminal sector of a large karst system that develops in the watershed Maudagna-Corsaglia, between the lawn of Prato Nevoso and the creek Corsaglia, in the municipality of Frabosa Soprana province to Cuneo to 836 m. di quota; fra le più belle ed importanti grotte turistiche italiane per varietà di concrezioni, grandiosità d'ambienti ricchezza d'acqua e laghi sotterranei. Read more
A wonder of nature returned to new life thanks to the wise arrangement of light bems that exalt the beauty of concretion and make them appear in all their splendor, discreet and solemn.Unseen aspects of this underground maze is a spectacular succession of corridors and halls decorated with polycrystalline concretes from the most amazing shades.... Read more
Open from mid June to 31st August for adults and children.
In any daytime it is possible to use any pedal medium.
Ideal for those who want to keep fit.
Ideal for those who want to keep fit..
A barbecue area for preparing grills....
Children can play in peace.
Fresh brioches every day!
Hot water to wash
Area reserved for the best friends of man.
Train all year round and partecipate in tournaments.
Train all year round and partecipate in tournaments.
To coins.